The Australian Curriculum and essential learnings are the essence of the curriculum which is delivered at Greenvale State School. This year, students will be taught the Australian Curriculum in English, Mathematics, Science, History and Geography. They will encounter essential learnings in studies of Society and Environment, Technology, Arts and Health and Physical Education.
All students experience difficulty with some aspect of their schooling. If the classroom teacher believes additional help may be required for your child, specialist teachers can be called upon or special programs can be written to be focus on the area of need. Specialists who may be involved in writing such programs may include, learning support teachers, guidance officers, speech-language pathologists and general health workers to name a few.
During the year, students will be issued with several reports. These reports are:
- Twice a year parent/teacher interviews (Term 1 and 3)
- End of semester report cards (tTrm 2 and 4)
- National testing in years 3, 5 and 7 diagnostic report (early December)
Parent / teacher Interviews
These interviews are offered in Term 1 and Term 3 between teachers and parents to discuss student progress. Throughout the year, additional interviews may be required and need to be arranged at a mutually convenient time. Should you wish to arrange a meeting, please contact the school.